B.S. Electrical Engineering Clarkson University, Potsdam NY (GPA: 3.00/4.00) May 2015
Relevant Courses:
Computer Architecture, Microprocessors, Computer Networks, Systems and Signals Processing, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Instrumentation, Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, Digital Design
Languages: C, C++, Python, Assembly(MIPS, RISC)
Programs: MATLAB, Visual Studio, Wireshark, LTSpice, EAGLE, Atmel Studio, CodeWarrior, Arduino
Operating Systems: Windows, Linux
Clarkson University Directed Study in Parallel Programming Jan – Apr 2015
-Used NVIDIA Jetson TK1 embedded platform running Ubuntu to test/run parallelized C and C++ programs
-Programmed in CUDA C/C++ which allows direct access to NVIDIA GPU instruction set and memory
-Sped up multiple programs by as much as 43%, while reducing clock speed of GPU cores to save power
-Discovered transfer/communication overhead for the NVIDIA Jetson TK1, which is now used in the criteria to determine if parallelization of a program on the GPU would yield significant performance improvement
Clarkson University Team Senior Design: Speed Control System Aug – Dec 2014
-Programmed Atmega328P microcontroller to obtain data via serial (UART) from laser rangefinder and analog ultrasonic sensor, this data was then applied to a feedback loop
-Processed input sensor data and had microcontroller vary speed of motors(via H-bridge) based on sensor readings to simulate a drivers acceleration and deceleration in various conditions
-Created an adaptive software filter reducing ultrasonic sensor error by 67%, allowing us to use sensor at higher frequency than rated
-Helped create and test mu...
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