Ruby on Rails software engineer accepting local or remote corp-to-corp contract positions. (No full-time positions accepted)
Languages: Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, Perl, JavaScript, SQL, Python, Bash, HTML5, CSS, XML, HAML
Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Django, JQuery, Scriptaculous
RDBMS: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite
Methodologies: BDD, Scrum, Kaban
DSLs: Rspec, Capybara, Capistrano, TestUnit
Platforms: Amazon AWS, Heroku
Other: Redis, Resque, ThinkingSphynx, Solr, ElasticSearch, Passenger, God, Monit, Git, Asterisk, Adhearsion
Productivity / QA: Jenkins (Continuous Integration), Crucible (code reviews), Phabricator
Managing Partner & Lead Developer, Minerva Group PSC July 2008 – Present
New York, NY
Headed a heterogeneous team of software developers, UI engineers, and web designers to deliver concrete business solutions to clients in various verticals. Specializing in Ruby on Rails development and corollary technologies including Redis, Resque, Solr, ElasticSearch, and various 3rd party API integrations with a main focus on cultivating a culture of Behavioral Driven Development with highly qualitative test coverage using RSpec for model, routing, and functional testing and Capybara for integration testing.
• Employed Agile & SCRUM methodologies for rapid delivery of systems with immediate business value
• Harnessed the collective productivity of non-local team members
Some of the latest projects in which I have been involved are as follows:
Role: Architect / Lead developer
Technologies: Ruby 2.2, Rails 4.2, MySQL, Whenever, God, StateMachine, Jquery, HAML, Oauth, OmniAuth, Rspec, Capybara, Kaminari, FactoryGirl, CanCan, VCR, DataTables
APIs: Amazon web payments, PayPal, WePay, Amazon S3, Facebook, Twitter
Jibe, Inc
Role: Sr developer
Technologies: Ruby 1.9.3, PeopleSoft 9.2
Riffle books
Role: Architect / Lead developer
Technologies: Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.2, MySQL, Redis, Sinatra, SM integration, RSpec, Capybara
Role: Software engineer
Technologies: Ruby 1.8.7, Rails 2.3.8, MySQL, Redis, Resque, WebSolr, Solr, StateMachine, TestUnit, Selenium, GeoIP, Sinatra, Mocha, FactoryGirl
Client: WeDidIt, Inc.
Role: Architect / Lead developer
Technologies: Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.2, MySQL, Whenever, God, StateMachine, Jquery, HAML, Oauth, OmniAuth, Rspec, Capybara, Kaminari, FactoryGirl, CanCan, VCR
APIs: Amazon web payments, PayPal, WePay, Amazon S3, Facebook, Twitter
Role: Architect / Lead developer
Technologies: Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.2, MySQL, Rspec, Capybara, HAML, Devise, OmniAuth, Whenever, Nokogiri, ElasticSearch, Tire, Typhoeus, JQuery
Web services / APIs: Commission Junction, Linkshare, Google Affiliate Network
Anthem marketing email manager
Client: Joystick Interactive
Role: Architect / Lead developer
Technologies: Ruby 1.9.2, Rails 3.1, PostgreSQL, Heroku, Sendgrid, HighCharts JS graphing library, StateMachine, Devise, AWS-SDK
and other projects listed on
Scrum Master, DoubleClick Inc. (acquired by Google in March 2008) Jan 2008 – June 2008
New York, NY
Facilitated the SCRUM development process and fostered the continuing use of Agile methodologies for a team of some 25 on- and off-site developers, as well as inter-team scheduling and resource management.
• Streamlined use of SCRUM process to eliminate redundancies in meeting schedules allowing more development time.
• Encouraged use of more profound Agile methods such as peer-programming and robust test coverage thus reducing overall project risk.
Engineering Manager, DoubleClick Inc. July 2006 – Dec. 2007
New York, NY
Manager of Klipmart systems support & transition team as well as initial project management for Mobile.
• Mandated Test Driven Development and continuous builds for Mobile team, facilitating the fastest and most seamless product release in DoubleClick’s history.
• Successfully transitioned Klipmart data and personnel to DoubleClick systems.
• Leadership of RichMedia’s customized solutions back-en...
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